From the Newsroom

Muhammad Speaks News - AFRE, CARICOM, and the Afrodescendant Nation Hold a United Nations Side Meeting For AfrodescendantsApril 19, 2024Muhammad Speaks News - AFRE, CARICOM, and the Afrodescendant Nation Hold a United Nations Side Meeting For Afrodescendants

By Amira Karriem

In preparation for the United Nations Permanent Forum on People of African Descent, being held In Geneva, Switzerland , April 16-19th 2024, a Side Meeting was ,facilitated by Dr. Tauheedah Bronner which took place on April 13, 2024, among several group leaders. These also included the Honorable Silis Muhammad, Monarch of the Afrodescendant Nation, Harriet Abubakr, Attorney, Ishmael Abdul-Salaam, CEO of All for Reparations and Emancipation (AFRE), Ajani Mukkaram, Board Member of AFRE, Eric Philips, VC of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) and Ida Lawrence of Caucasians United for Reparations and Emancipation (CURE).

The Honorable Silis Muhammad has been a longstanding and steadfast proponent of Black people and reparations. Upon one of his first trips during an intervention that he gave the United Nations asked him if there were other members of the African diaspora who believed as he did with regards to wanting reparations. Many were invited. Among those he invited was Minister Louis Farrakhan, who declined. Shortly after his invitation, coincidentally, the Million Man March was created...